When it comes to the online world, your security and ease of use are crucial. That's where IronVest Biometrics comes into play.

Without Biometrics, if someone gets their hands on your device, they might be able to log into your online accounts. It's like leaving your house keys under the doormat - anyone who knows where to look can get in.

By turning on IronVest Biometrics, you use your unique face - something no one else can copy - to make sure only you can access your accounts. It's a powerful tool to stop others from logging into websites as you, seeing your sensitive data, or making changes to your accounts.

And it's not just about keeping your information safe. IronVest Biometrics also makes things easier for you. Remembering and typing in your master password every time you need to autofill a password can be a hassle. But with Biometrics, a quick facial scan does the job. It's faster, simpler, and more convenient.

In short, enabling Biometrics on the IronVest extension provides an extra layer of security and a better user experience. It keeps your online world safer and makes your online journey smoother. It's a small change that can make a big difference.