As the digital landscape expands, so too does the importance of safeguarding personal information. The IronVest Privacy App is at the forefront of this effort, providing advanced tools designed to protect your online identity and sensitive details.

The IronVest Privacy App works by creating a 'mask' for your personal data when signing up for online services or executing online transactions. It crafts masked information, then reroutes it to your genuine email or phone, securing your personal contact details.

A key aspect of this app is the Masked Emails feature. It generates anonymous email addresses for you to use instead of your real email when subscribing to a service or website. Importantly, you can set the rules for each Masked Email, choosing to forward incoming emails to your actual email or blocking them to avoid unnecessary spam.

Meanwhile, the Masked Email Inbox retains all messages sent to your Masked Emails. This means that even if you choose not to forward certain emails to your personal inbox, you won't miss a thing - every email remains accessible in your IronVest inbox. This dual control over incoming emails enhances your privacy and helps keep your personal inbox clutter-free.

Another feather in the cap of the IronVest Privacy App is the Masked Phones feature. Like its email counterpart, this feature offers substitute phone numbers for you to use instead of your real number. Calls or texts to the Masked Phone are then forwarded to your actual number, preserving your privacy in the realm of telecommunication. The IronVest Privacy App is a comprehensive solution for preserving your personal information in our interconnected world.