
  1. AccessGuard Password Enhancement:

    • We've revamped our AccessGuard Password extension for a more user-friendly experience, particularly for partial account holders. Instead of asterisks, the panel will now show "Username Missing", which is clickable to autofill the saved password.
    • A 'fix' icon has been introduced that opens the account record in edit mode in a new tab, allowing rapid correction of incomplete information.
    • We've simplified the autofill instruction to "Fill Password", replacing the previous "Fill Strong Password" text. This update applies across all accounts.

  1. Passcode Protection Update:

    • We've optimized the OTP (One-Time Password) entry procedure as part of our passcode protection feature. After user authentication, the OTP will automatically populate in the designated field, eliminating the need for manual input via the "fill code" button.
    • In the event of an unsuccessful auto-fill, the "Copy" and "Fill" buttons will remain available for manual entry.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Biometric Verification Bug:

    • We've addressed an issue where disabling the biometric verification on card creation setting was not applying as expected.
  2. Minor Bugs:

    • In addition to the main bug fix, we've made several other minor bug fixes to improve performance and stability.

We encourage you to update to version 9.7.0 to take advantage of these improvements. As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continuous improvement based on your needs.